Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Karver Pics

I haven't pulled out the camera in a while and it looks like Karver is wondering what I am doing.
He looks like a big boy sitting on his blue chair.


Cristina said...

He is so handsome. I can't believe how his hair has lightened up, what a cutie!!

Tiffani Warner said...

Cute Pics! I can't believe how big he is. We will have to get the boys together soon to play:)

Britt said...

The last picture is my favorite. Love the look of the pouty lips!

Shad and Brittany said...

Jacks! He is getting so big, and Handsome! It was fun to see you the other day, I am sad too that we didn't get a chance to talk. We need to hang out.

Elaine said...

hey girl! How are you? I didn't end up moving! Crazy, I know. It is such a long dramatic story, but I want to play. School gets out soon right?!? !!!

Lana said...

Hey guys! I found your blog listed on someone else's in the ward, and I thought I'd check it out. Karver looks so cute in his pics! I know he and Max will have a blast chilling together while we play soccer.
PS- we have a blog too, but it's private. If you want to check it out, email me at and I'll invite you!

Ashlee said...

Wait a he...blond?
So stinkin cute, but seriously, where did the blond hair come from? Mike, right?

Penguin said...

i know we must have taken home the wrong baby